Mini Pantries in Schools
The mini pantry has been a huge blessing for students and staff. The pantry allows us to nourish bodies so brains can work and takes the stress off the students and the teachers. It makes a huge difference in children’s behavior in the classroom.
—Kristen Riccomini, Title 1 teacher at Mt. Shasta Elementary
Home Weatherization
Weatherization on my apartment made quite a difference—I don’t even use the heater in the bedroom anymore, just the main room on the lowest setting. We’re near the river and we could always hear the train, but after GNS put in double pane windows and insulation it cut out all the noise. I’d gotten used to it after so many years in the apartment, now I wake up in the middle of the night because it’s too quiet.
—Nacho M. in Dunsmuir
Energy Assistance
Energy Assistance makes a huge difference to me. I’m on Social Security & it’s not much. I have to watch every penny I spend—even with the assistance. Having Great Northern Services help with my power bill frees up money for food. Claudia has gone out of her way not just this year but in the past. She really heard my situation, took it to heart, and was so helpful. She’s awesome.
—Don P. from Mt. Shasta, CA
GNS Food Programs
“The GNS food programs in Dorris have helped so many of my clients—from the shut-ins to the young families with children. They all get excited when describing the produce.”
— Donna Crotty-Boyd, Service Coordinator for Far Northern Regional Center