Great Northern Services is looking for additional businesses to supply firewood
to our LIHEAP* clients in Siskiyou County.
Through this federally-funded program, income-qualified households have fuel delivered directly to their homes; GNS is looking for reliable vendors who can provide quality wood with an assurance of privacy and confidentiality. Our vendors need to provide a copy of their Business License, proof of insurance, a SSN or TIN, and references.
If you are interested please contact us at 530-938-4115, ext. 118
or download our Firewood Vendor Application.
*Learn more about the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).
Thank you to our current vendors:
ABC Logging
DC Timber Felling & Log
JM Forestry LLC
Mike’s Firewood Sales
Pro Grass
Ridge Runner Cutting
Rob Moser
Santos Hauling
Veteran’s Assistance Program
Meeks Lumber & Hardware
Solano’s DoItBest Alpine Hardware