Individual Donations
One-time Gifts… make a difference today
A one-time gift helps Great Northern help others in the community “right now.” Let us know if you’d like your gift to be made in honor of or in remembrance of a loved one or friend when you donate today. Donate online here or download a donation form and mail it along with your check to: Great Northern Services, 310 Boles Street, Weed, CA 96094.
On-going Gifts… make a bigger impact over time
On-going gifts help us plan and expand our services for community members like children and seniors who need them most. Join our special group of dedicated donors who support Great Northern’s work by offering a monthly, quarterly, or annual gift through automatic credit/debit card deduction.
Payroll Deductions… helps provide continuity of services
Payroll deduction donations ensure that Great Northern has a steady and predictable stream of income to dedicate to programs that assist the most vulnerable members of our community. It’s an easy way to donate and it spreads your contribution throughout the year, as these automatic, tax-deductible contributions will be collected from each paycheck.
Donor-Advised Funds… ensure a legacy of caring
A gift through your donor-advised fund or family foundation allows Great Northern to sustain or expand programs significantly. If you are fortunate enough to be able to demonstrate your compassion and commitment to service in community on this larger scale, please consider supporting our work.
Great Northern Services
Tax ID number: 94-2562423
In-Kind Donations… help provide essential items where they’re needed
In-kind donations provide real value to community members in need and to our organization’s efforts to help. These donations can range from food collected for the Emergency Food program (see this list of the most effective food items to donate) to computer equipment or working vehicles. Contact if you are able to donate items you think may be useful.
Corporate and Civic Donations
Annual Workplace Giving Campaigns… give everyone a chance to help
An annual workplace giving campaign is an easy way for your company’s employees to get involved with our ongoing efforts to assist individuals in need and invigorate our communities. Find out if Great Northern Services is on the list of internal fundraising campaign beneficiaries at your office or workplace.
Matching Gifts… double the impact of your donation
Your gift may be eligible for a match by your company, as many employers will match donations to charitable organizations like Great Northern Services. Even gifts from retirees or from the spouses of current employees may be eligible for matching support. Contact your employer’s human resources department to see if they have a matching gift program.
Other ways to Donate
Sponsor an Event… and we’ll let the world know about your support
When you sponsor one of the many events Great Northern hosts or participates in, we dedicate the resources you save us directly to our programs or to more outreach efforts in the community. And sponsorship will expand your marketing and social presence in the community as well, because we’ll let everyone know we’re there thanks to you! For information about event sponsorship in your community contact .
Website… so people can support our work through you
Embed our donation form on your website for a week, a month, or forever!
Contact to find out how.
“I was stoked to find our very own Great Northern Services at AmazonSmile. Love the idea of “you shop, Amazon gives”. My Christmas shopping, heck — all shopping at Amazon will benefit our local community! Bam!” Di Strachan, Siskiyou County Business Owner
Amazon Smile makes it easy to help end hunger while you shop! Shop through Amazon Smile and select Great Northern Services as your charity. Amazon Smile will donate 0.5% of the price of your eligible purchases to Great Northern Services.
All Access Rewards card users may designate Great Northern Services as the local non-profit organization they want to support – and Rays Food Place will donate back 1% of those shoppers’ qualified purchases to us. Donating in this way costs you nothing and allows a local business to help our community thrive.